A practical tool created by teens to help you deal with negativity online.
This week I came across ICON (In Case of Online Negativity). It is a website resource created by young people right here in NZ who are fired up about helping other young people to deal with negativity online.
Having looked at it, it is so well done! Backed by information from Netsafe (the gold standard for support with online issues from scams to harassment in New Zealand) Sticks'n'Stones have created a well designed, attractive and intuitive feeling site that gives young people the best advice about the situation they need help with in a clear, simple way.
Addressing issues such as online bullying, harassment, one off acts of aggression, trolling, sending or receiving nude images and a providing a slew of other practical tips.
Anyone with a web browser can go to ICON and quickly find out what they need to do to deal with online negativity. Addressing issues such as online bullying, harassment, one off acts of aggression, trolling, sending or receiving nude images and a providing a slew of other practical tips.
I love that it gives preventative advice about what to do before you've done something, as well as how to fix it if it has happened.
This is a must know about site for all young people, anyone supporting young people and, frankly, a whole lot of not so young people.
"Online is real life"
Through ICON, Sticks'n'Stones are advocating a mantra I have championed for along time. Online life is real life!
Our young people need to know how to keep themselves safe and deal with the online world in the same way they need to know road safety, water safety and just how to talk and interact with people well in their offline life.
Remember, this not just about young people managing their own choices, but how to deal with other people's negative choices affecting them.
If any of the serious issues that are reflected on ICON have impacted you or your teen, finding someone to talk to about it is really important. Don't let a mistake you made or someone else's negative behaviour, be a secret that traps you into feeling horrible about yourself. Talking to a counsellor to unpack what happened and heal from the hurt of it can be a really freeing process that will still remain completely private.