Participating in the Mental Health Foundation New Zealand's Photo Challenge for Mental Health Awareness week last week was a great experience.
Click on an image to find out more about the theme of each one. You will find some other photos and videos on Instagram.

#MHAWNZ Connect/Whakawhanaunga Day 1 MARAMATAKA-MUTWHENUA Together outside near our home. Feeling grounded by the land and watched over by the Port Hills. These people are the heart of my whanau. They keep me going and give me life. Time spent with them is never wasted. While being a parent and husband can often be one of the big challenges in my life, it's also the most rewarding part. Living life feeling connected with my whanau, the land, nature and life around me helps anchor me in a story bigger than myself. Join me and @mhfnz in reminding ourselves how to keep well and healthy this #MHAWNZ #mentalhealth #selfcare #counselling

Today’s theme is Keep Learning/Me Ako Tonu. I am relatively new to my town of Tai Tapu. Yesterday I decided to grab some time to learn more about my place by walking the Omahu Bush trail to the top of Gibraltar Rock which looks over us. I was actually feeling a bit emotionally flat, but the stunnng drive, walk and then just sitting on top of this magic view was amazing! It really did lift me. Turn the sound on in the video to hear the amazing bell bird song echoing across the valley. I’m inspired to keep learning more about the story of the whenua in Tai Tapu. Thanks for the wero of the photo challenge @mhfnz #MHAWNZ #counselling #wellbeing #selfcare #therapy

cartography_counselling#MHAWNZ Take Notice/Me Aro Tonu Slowing and pay attention has helped me see the incredible beauty and complexity happening around me in nature. It kindles in me a sense of wonder, joy and hope. Something in my spirit is filled and encouraged. Slow down and notice life in your world today.

Be Active/Me Kori Tonu #MHAWNZ A walk somewhere outside in a more natural space is just better. FYI walking it off won't solve your challenges in life, but it does increase your resilience to cope. Its OK to not be OK! If you're really being oppressed by events or your mental health, seek more support from a professional. #counselling #therapy #mentalhealth #wellbeing mhfnzKia ora Cameron, and thank you for sharing your picturesque photography with us this week! cartography_counselling@mhfnz it's been a great experience thanks and a much needed chance to remind myself of good self-care habits.

#MHAWNZ Give/Tukua Do you see a hand giving or receiving in this image? Generosity is good for you. Give what ever small thing you have healthy capacity to give, and you will find goodness even in the midst of a time of lack. It opens us to those around us, and builds real meaningful connection with others. Sometimes you need to let someone give to you! After all, most of us are comfortable being generous. We all need to get a lot better at receiving help. A community and country that gives generously at all levels to those that are in need is a healthy place I want to be part of. Do we have that? So many are in need of more than a these 5 ways of wellbeing at he moment, as much as I fully believe in them. Funding to help everyone that needs it access counselling and other talk therapy needs to be a priority response to our current crisis levels of mental illness. A photo from this year's strawberry season. #counselling #therapy #whatneedstochange? #mentalhealth #Give #menhealtawarenes